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“Developing Sport Psychology Within Your Clinical Practice: A Practical Guide for Mental Health Professionals”

by Jack J. Lesyk, Ph.D.

published by Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1998.

“Sport psychology was once the domain of a small number of psychologists who worked exclusively with elite Olympic and professional athletes. But today, sport psychologists also use their proven techniques with non-athletes and weekend sport enthusiasts. At a time when many behavioral health care clinicians are facing a loss of income, cut-backs, and decreased funding, many sport psychologists are enjoying practices that are expanding and thriving.

“This practical and extremely useful guide is written for mental health professionals who want to apply the techniques of sport psychology to current clients with presenting problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress using techniques such as motivation, mild exercise, and self-talk. In addition, a new population of clients, including both serious and recreational athletes, women, seniors, and kids at all levels of skill and experience can be recruited. The author, a successful clinical and sport psychologist, gives detailed advice on the best way to include sport psychology in an existing practice. He also demonstrates how to apply cognitive-behavioral and social learning techniques within a sport psychology context.

“Filled with illustrative examples, this book provides suggestions for using sport psychology techniques with common non-sport related issues such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Also covered are clinical techniques for sport-specific issues, including training, competition, injury, failure, and success. In addition, the author recommends educational and training opportunities for acquiring knowledge and credentials in sport psychology, and summarizes valuable information on marketing opportunities and practice development.”

-from dust jacket-

“Dr. Lesyk has drawn masterfully from the helping professions and the exercise sciences to present a detailed map of the intersections of psychotherapy, exercise, mental skills, and athletic performance. Above all, this is a useful book.”

Mark B. Anderson
Coordinator, Post Graduate Research Studies, Centre for Rehabilitation, Exercise, & Sport Science. Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.

“A straightforward and effective guide that will be immediately helpful to any practioner interested in the growing area of sport psychology. This is a terrific book and I don’t mind saying so.”

Shane Murphy
author of The Achievement Zone: An 8-Step Guide to Peak Performance in All Area s of Life

“Covers the broad range of opportunities available to practitioners, including encouraging exercise for clinical clients, sport psychology techniques, and the challenges of psychological skills training with athletes. And throughout the book the combination of theory and practice is seasoned with a liberal dose of relevant case anecdotes.”

Kate F. Hays
The Performing Edge, Toronto, Canada

“Dr. Lesyk’s book provides counseling and clinical professional with practical, ethical, and thoughtful guidelines regarding the practice of applied sport psychology. I highly recommend this book be read by any clinician who wishes to practice in the sport psychology area.”

Chris Carr
head team psychologist. The Ohio State University Athletic Department. Columbus, Ohio Center for Sport Psychology

“Dr. Lesyk has written an excellent book. In contrast to most texts in sport psychology, it is addressed to those already trained in counseling or psychology who are interested in the field of sport as a professional area. . . . Overall, the book is clearly written, practical, and comprehensive. As a resource, it will be invaluable for those who are planning to expand their practices into the area of sport.”

Gloria Balague
Dept. of Psychology, University of Illinois, from a review in The Exercise and Sport Psychology Newsletter, Spring 1999

“Lesyk has created an honest and comprehensive summary of what the field is actually like rather than an idealistic piece of how wonderful it is to work with athletes. He doesn’t make the journey to a practice focused on athletes glamorous or quick, more of one needing patience and nurturance.”

Faye Weiner
Sports Counselor, Boston, MA, from a review in The AAASP Newsletter, Summer 2000.

Available from the publisher and Amazon.com at $45.

Our Price: $40 (no longer available)

The publisher is no longer printing the hard cover volume and it is no longer available from that source. However, I have the entire book (minus index) available as a PDF file. This is an exact copy of the final manuscript that I submitted to the publisher. The manuscript that you will receive is 269 pages. Upon receipt of payment, the entire book will be sent to your email address as a PDF file attachment.

Price for PDF manuscript: $25

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